Although NOT A FAN of this article, IMO it does serve a purpose.

Although NOT A FAN of this article, IMO it does serve a purpose.

In the comments section three types of readers are identified: those who loved the article and need self-help literature only momentarily (good for you!); those who loved the article, but still have a lot of introspective work ahead of them (a wholehearted ‘good luck’ to you!); and those who expressed dislike, have already graduated self-help BS and are able to think critically (only they do this too much to the point that it is counter productive).

Type 3 people, probably feel isolation because evidently they are outnumbered by type 1&2 people. Additionally, the realisation that even ‘experts’ (most authors, gurus, therapists) they turn to for help are type 1&2 people who have nothing to offer them must be very frustrating.

‘Just do it’ is sound advice because action in most cases bypasses thinking.

However, I am suggesting that the best thing type 3 people could get out of this article would be to form a group with the few other readers who disliked/rejected/hated it. This way they would be in a better position to help each other, perhaps with just recommendations of higher evolved self-help works and exchange of experiences, or even by sharing a laugh bashing the abundant BS ‘experts’.

FINDING LIKE MINDED PEOPLE when you are such a minority is hard, but could also be THE FIRST STEP TO GETTING YOUR ACT TOGETHER. So make the effort to connect with each other. Oddly if things work out you will have this article to thank!

Note to article author: No hard feelings toward your writing. Keep it up! Seems you’ve got what it takes to make $$$ from this stuff. Plus, how satisfying to be in a line of work where you get loads of recognition/appreciation from so many fans (lest types 1&2).